Wendy Frost

BA NLP Master Practitioner, Certified Coach Trainer

Coach Mentor and Coach Trainer

Wendy graduated from Royal Holloway with a BA (Hons) in English Literature. She was a mature student and often felt ill, until in the mid-1990s a nutrition consultant helped her find a solution. Since then she has combined the enjoyment of working with mature students and the interest in nutrition, by working in various administrative roles within nutrition training and since 2006, with CNELM. At CNELM, taking the Coaching Module as part of staff development started her in a new direction as a Coach and Certified Trainer. Wendy completed a Health Certification Training course in Holland.

Since 2009 Wendy has regularly contributed to the coaching courses at CNELM. She is part of the Coaching Support Team and is a Coach Mentor for students and staff.