The Nutritional Therapy Teaching Clinic

You are invited to register to participate as a Client in our Supervised Personalised Nutritional Therapy Teaching Clinic.

Press the ‘Registration Form’ button to complete the registration form. Completing the form should enable you to decide whether participating as a Client is right for you. 

You will receive notification that your registration has been completed. The Clinic Manager will then contact you:

  • if there are any queries about your registration, and
  • when a place becomes available

A first consultation and a return visit is offered as part of the supervised nutritional therapy clinic. You will be contacted between visits to see how you are progressing with the nutrition plan. 

Does participation in the Teaching Clinic incur any costs?

  • Consultations are free of charge
  • Purchase of any recommended products such as nutritional supplements or tests are optional. 
  • If you wish to continue with nutritional therapy support after the consultations you can request to continue with the Clinic Supervisor at their professional consultation fee, or given guidance on finding another practitioner; or register to start the process again, free of charge, with a new student as part of the Supervised Nutritional Therapy Training Clinic.



The Teaching Clinic

If you have answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above then Nutritional Therapy is likely to be right for you.

Personalised Nutritional Therapy is relevant for individuals with many chronic health conditions as well as those looking to support their long term health and wellbeing.

We liaise with medical and other health professionals as appropriate to each client. 

Is Personalised Nutritional Therapy For You?

Do you experience a range of symptoms that affect your day to day wellbeing?
Do you struggle with maintaining a comfortable weight and or describe yourself as a yo-yo dieter?
Are you living with a diagnosed chronic health problem and wish to understand how diet, nutrition and lifestyle may provide beneficial support?
Whether following a plant based diet or a mixed diet would you like to better understand how to diversify your diet and and maximise your nutritional intake?
Are you looking to start a family and want to know how food and nutrition might support you pre-conceptually and throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding?