Key Features
Entry Requirements
Content & Delivery
Course Fees & Dates
Finance & Policies
Advanced Learner Entry
This programme is quality assured by Middlesex University and you will receive a Middlesex University award on successful completion
Apply for our innovative postgraduate programmes in Personalised Nutrition that has been running for 12 years.
Join our vibrant group of students that represent a wide range of prior educational bioscience and clinical backgrounds including doctors, pharmacists, nurses, psychologists, practising nutritionists and nutritional and complementary therapists.
Applicants without a bioscience or relevant clinical background will usually complete all or part of our Bioscience Entry Course (BEC). A large number of applicants represent engineering, law, chemistry, business, commerce, philosophy and the arts.
The postgraduate programmes are an intellectually stimulating and rigorous advanced programmes of study, that directly supports the development of an evidence base for a personalised nutrition approach to healthcare, as well as promoting lifelong learning, and career opportunities for graduates of this course. The course draws upon the principles of Systems Biology, Pathophysiological Reasoning, Functional Nutrition, and Psycho-neuro-immunology in context of personalised nutrition and research methodologies that support an evidence based approach for personalised nutrition.
You can enrol on the MSc or the Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip) in Personalised Nutrition. MSc students complete a Research Dissertation. Otherwise the programmes are the same. Students on both programmes study the taught modules together.
The majority of students complete the MSc programme. Students enrolled on the PG Dip programme can request to switch to MSc or vice versa.
Study Progression
- A popular option for current and prospective students is to combine the MSc or PG Dip with the Personalised Nutrition Practice Diploma (PNPD) as an accredited route leading to nutritional therapy practice. Students can start the PNPD alongside, or, after completing degree studies.
- Graduates of the postgraduate Personalised Nutrition programme can apply to join other universities or colleges to study at Doctorate level including Middlesex University. Acceptance to higher degree programmes is the prerogative of the provider, and not CNELM.
Our graduates, in combination with, or without the PNPD, generally offer a portfolio of services in clinical and coaching practice, industry, within corporate environments, community projects, presentations, publications, research and education. Graduates of the MSc or PG Dip with pre-existing healthcare qualifications can integrate their learning within their existing business portfolio, as a health practitioner.
For further details on the MSc and PG Dip Personalised Nutrition programme please check the Downloads for this programme to access the Course Flyer and Fees, Additional Course Costs, Short Module Descriptors, Programme Specification and Full Prospectus.
Call us on 0118 979 8686 or email us at info@cnelm.ac.uk to arrange a time for a course discussion or course interview.
Key Features
- Validated by Middlesex University
- 100% Distance Learning
- Available to study MSc full-time (1 year), or part-time (2-3 years) and PG Diploma full-time (11 months) or part-time (2 years)
- Opportunities to start in January, April and September each year
- Flexible study plans that can be adapted after starting studies, to better suit any changing needs
- Coursework assessed
- MSc and PG Dip can be combined with the CNELM Personalised Nutrition Practice Diploma (PNPD) as an NTEC accredited route to Nutritional Therapy practice
- Can be combined with the Nutrition and Health Coach Diploma (NHCD) which includes additional coaching modules and client consultations to practice as a Nutrition and Health Coach
- Can be combined with the Dietary Educator Certificate (DEC) for practice as a Dietary Educator
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements:
- A first science degree is the primary entrance requirement, though applicants with other degrees, or professional qualifications will be considered on an individual application basis. Nutritional therapy diploma graduates may meet direct entry requirements, or may be recommended a bridging course to the MSc or PG Dip programmes
- All applicants must demonstrate appropriate and underpinning knowledge of chemistry, human biology, physiology and biochemistry. Depending on your unique education background, you might be advised to take part, or all, of our short Bioscience Entry Course (BEC) with assessment, or as a refresher
- Basic computer skills including word processing, internet browsing and use of email
Content & Delivery
The MSc comprises 180 credits and includes 3 x 30 credit nutrition modules, a compulsory 30 credit research module Evidence Based Personalised Nutrition (EBPN), and a 60 credit Research Dissertation.
The PG Dip comprises 120 credits made up of the same 3 x 30 credit nutrition modules and a compulsory 30 credit research module EBPN.
Personalised Nutrition Requirements (PNR), Personalised Nutrition & Longevity (PNL) and Personalised Nutrition & Chronic Illness (PNCI). Applicants with a prior nutrition background can request to take our Personalised Sports Nutrition module instead of the three core nutrition modules. Students combining the MSc with the Personalised Nutrition Practice Diploma (PNPD) must take the three core nutrition modules as they are mapped to the Core Curriculum for Nutritional Therapy practice alongside the PNPD.
Each of the nutrition modules are case based assignments and the module content, webinars, tutorials and activities will help prepare you for reviewing the literature to support an evidence-based personalised nutrition intervention.
PNR includes nutrition fundamentals and in context of tackling obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. PNL explores nutrition from the health of the conceptus to healthy ageing with a particular focus on gene/nutrient environment interactions. Students have the opportunity to develop their own case for this assignment enabling them to explore a specialist interest. PNCI includes 4 shorter cases and explores common drivers underlying many chronic health problems. EBPN a compulsory module for the MSc and PGDip programmes enables students to demonstrate the necessary understanding of research approaches that support personalisation.
MSc students are assigned a Research Supervisor and complete a Research Dissertation, Students usually select an area of special interest. You can all published papers based on student and staff research within the Personalised Nutrition Institute (PNI) area of this site.
The foundation module PNR can be started at each entry point in January, April and September. EBPN can be started in January or April. PNCI can be started in April or September. PNL is delivered once a year starting in June. The Research Dissertation can be started in February, July or November.
Students study modules together in groups and have opportunities to attend live webinars, tutorials and other activities as well as receive some content pre-recorded. Students unable to attend a live webinar have access to the recording within 48 hours. Each module has a formal start date and set submission dates for assessment.
Please review Downloads Tab to access Brief Module Descriptors for each module of the programme, the Programme Specification and the Prospectus. You can request detailed module descriptors at info@cnelm.ac.uk.
The Programme Specification is an important document to review ahead of joining the programme. It specifies the following information:
- Criteria for admission to the programme
- Aims of the programme
- Programme Outcomes
- Programme Structure
- Information about assessment regulations
- Placement opportunities
- Future careers and progression
- Support for learning
Course Fees & Dates
Please go to Downloads Tab to access the course flyer and costs. Course fees are paid as annual tuition fees and monthly fees.
Students are responsible for ensuring their fees are kept up-to-date.
CNELM can support a limited number of students via our Bursary Support Scheme
Please review the Finance and Policies Tab below to access our Payment, Charges and Refund Policy.
The 180 credit MSc can be completed in 1 year full-time and up to 3 years part-time. The 120 credit PG Dip can be completed in a minimum of 11 months full-time and up to 2 years part-time.
Full-time study is based on 35 hours a week for up to 46 weeks of the year for the MSc programme, which is equivalent to full-time working hours. The PG Dip is slightly less intensive to complete full-time. Part-time study for the MSc over 3 years would average at 12 hours a week and 24 hours a week over 2 years.
Most of our students study part-time due to their work and/or personal circumstances. If combining study with the 120 credit Personalised Nutrition Practice Diploma (PNPD) a typical part-time study plan is over 3 to 3.5 years.
The MSc and PG Dip runs across the academic year. Coursework is not submitted over typical academic holiday periods. There is sufficient opportunity to take up to 6 weeks holidays over the academic year.
Online webinars, tutorials and other activities take place Mondays-Wednesdays.
Once enrolled on the programme, from time to time, students may need to take a study break. Approved study breaks do not count towards the 3 year max for the MSc or the 2 year max for the PG Dip. Inclusive of study breaks students there is a maximum of 6 years to complete the MSc and 4 years to complete the PG Dip.
Finance & Policies
Please review our Key Policies including the Payment, Charges and Refund Policy
From the point of application to graduation we aim to provide you with robust support.
Module Leaders are there to support and guide you through each module. Alongside co-markers, Module Leaders are there to provide quality feedback in a timely and developmental manner.
If you need to review your study plan, you can meet with the Programme Manager. You can request to slow down your pace of study, or increase your pace of study. The Programme Manager would meet with you if you need to pause your studies for a period of time.
Our Student Support Manager is there to provide pastoral support, Students can schedule a time to throughout the academic year to discuss concerns they might have that are impacting upon their studies.
Students can be referred to meet with our Coach Mentor, if considered an appropriate means of support for a student.
Applicants with a diagnosed learning need, or students that develop a learning need can meet with the Student Support Manager and our Learning Needs Support Manager.
IT and Administrative support is ongoing throughout studies.
Students that might meet a financial challenge, can arrange to speak with our Finance Team.
Advanced Learner Entry
Due to the focus on personalised nutrition there are limited opportunities to join the MSc or PG Diploma as an Advanced Learner.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate the learning outcomes based on prior degree, or degree equivalent learning to meet a requirement for a module exemption.
You can request a copy of our Advanced Learner Entry policy. Please email info@cnelm.ac.uk