Analysis of nutritional status of Children with Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder: a Case Controlled Study

Short Description
A case-controlled study comparing nutritional status and immune function in patients of a medical clinic specialising in Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorder with age and sex matched controls
Full Description

A retrospective controlled trial of serum zinc levels in patients with ASD vs. non-ASD controls was undertaken to explore the potential presence of zinc deficiency in the ASD population. 72 patients with ASD were compared with 234 non-ASD controls. Serum zinc levels were compared between groups and correlations analysed for age, sex, supplement use and diet. Serum chromium and manganese levels were also compared between ASD and control groups to assess general micronutrient status. Further analysis was undertaken in the ASD group investigating potential correlations between serum zinc levels and immune function.

Division of Neuroscience
Dr Daniel Goyal, Dr Jaleel Miyan

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