We are a committed and successful team of educators, supervisors, mentors and administrators who strive to provide the best possible conditions for you to engage with your studies and achieve the outcomes of your chosen course.
We understand that making the right choice for your education is important and from your first enquiry to graduation we aim to work with you as partners.
You will be able to access course content online you will be able to engage with your peers and staff through online forums, web conferencing and Facebook. Irrespective of location several assessments and activities will enable you to work with your peers in pairs or in groups. We use a variety of teaching methods to help you feel included and supported throughout your studies with us. We aim to provide you with feedback on assessments in a timely fashion and in a manner that supports your learning.
There are attendance opportunities for students taking the PNPD – though this course can be studied online subject to meeting requirements and taking an approved NLP Practitioner Course local to you. Postgraduate degree students may also opt to attend some lectures of the MSc / Dip programme.
You will be invited to contribute to our monthly Student Newsletter – the Nutritional Supplement.
The Programme Leader for your course is there to make sure you maintain an orientation to the purpose of your programme of study whilst you progress through levels and modules and is there to help clarify your queries and concerns related to the programme as a whole.
Heads of Level are there to help you towards achieving the outcomes for the level and to reformulate study plans if you wish to speed up or slow down your pace of study.
Module Leaders will be there help you understand the requirements of a module and will generally mark and assess your coursework.
Clinical Supervisors supervise consultations and provide students enrolled on courses leading to nutritional therapy practice with comprehensive verbal and written feedback to enhance progress to becoming a competent nutritional therapist.
Research Supervisors are there to help you to develop the skills for independent research and to complete projects that help support an evidence base for personalised nutrition interventions.
Members of the Centre’s administrative staff provide support with day to day queries, IT support, finance queries and quality assurance
A Professional Mentor will work with you individually and in groups over the course of your studies to help you identify career opportunities within the nutrition industry that you wish to pursue.
The Student Support Manager is there to offer pastoral support and guidance.
We ask you to let us know before you commence your studies with us if you have any specific support needs for learning and to confirm and if your health changes prior to starting the course then to let us know as soon as possible.
We are able to support students experiencing a range of issues that might impact on their studies. As a small education provider we do all we can to make adjustments and source help within what is considered reasonable. Applicants can request a copy of our Student Support and Fitness to Practice policies by emailing – info@cnelm.co.uk
The Head of Education, Head of Quality Assurance and the Principal are other key members of staff that will be there to offer support and ensure the overall quality assurance of your programme.
Following graduation you can become an Alumni Member and benefit from continued support and access to a range of learning resources.
Your feedback is fundamental to our quality enhancement processes. We encourage feedback from students at all levels, and we review, analyse and act upon all feedback in a collaborative manner. There is plenty of opportunity for you to give us feedback, including module feedback and on the support and services we offer.
You will elect peers to represent your views who meet with CNELM staff at a range of deliberative meetings and present your feedback at Board of Study and other staff meetings.
The Student Support Manager will be there to offer pastoral support and guidance.
We ask you to let us know before you commence your studies with us if you have any specific support needs for learning and to confirm and if your health changes prior to starting the course then to let us know as soon as possible. We are able to support students experiencing a range of disabilities. As a small education provider we do all we can to make adjustments and source help within what is considered reasonable. Applicants can request a copy of our Student Support policy and Fitness to Practice policy by emailing – info@cnelm.co.uk
The Head of Education, Head of Quality Assurance and the Principal are other key members of staff that will be there to offer support and ensure the overall quality assurance of your programme.